Friday, December 11, 2009

This house ain't big 'nough for the both of us....

The relationship between Cash and Amelia is very interesting. She jerks, cackles and gasps when he walks into a room, and he gives her many unsolicited licks with his huge tongue on her precious cheeks. Lately, Cash is becoming Amelia's new target. Take a look...

Amelia's politely eases into an affectionate moment with Cash by approaching him with just one finger. Of course, such a non-invasive introduction doesn't bother Cash as he pretends not not notice and fakes a nap.
Surely if one finger was appropriate, Amelia concludes that a little grab of the tail wouldn't be any further intrusive. Cash continues to "fake" a nap, to show evidence of Amelia's insignificance to him. (Although she's a little excited he's accepted this next level of playing).

If grabbing the tail were permissable, then certainly a little climb up the leg would naturally be no harm. This appears to be the extent of Cash's tolerance, as he has "awoken" from his fake nap to make effective eye contact, that shouldn't need an explanation of his point.

Amelia figures her playtime with Cash is almost over, so she scrambles to the top before he gets up!!
Uh oh, this means war....

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

tis the season

What is more fun than army crawling to the Christmas tree, grabbing a branch and shaking needles everywhere? Watching mom clean up the mess. That is fun. Even more fun than that? Finding power cords and chewing on them before mom rips me away. More fun? Nursing on mom so sweetly, then when mom's not paying attention give it a good snap of the jaw with my new tooth! She goes nuts!

As you can see in the photos, Amelia's growing cuteness is directly porportionate to her curiosity/trouble making! Everyday I'm finding a new area to "childproof". How on earth does anyone have more than one small child??

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

7 months is BANANAS!

What's new with Amelia? Oh, not much. Well I guess lately she...

Loves books (especially the ones that make noise!)

Has soooo much hair she gets a little bed-head in the back

Oh yeah and I guess it's pretty cool that she can SIT UP!!!And did I mention she eats solid foods now? Oatmeal and applesauce, baby!
Plus she enjoys grabbing your face. Especially people who look like dad (like Uncle Reed)And then of course we still have the giggling...

And lastly....check out what has finally arrived...A TOOTH!!
If you can't see it, just's in there!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Clicking the tongue

Yeah I freaked out when she did this. I try to get her to copy me saying "MA-MA" and "DA-DA", and no dice. But for whatever reason she did this much more complicated mimick of my mouth. Maybe not a big deal to anyone else, but naturally I'm claiming "genius".

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I had to do it

It's not torture if they like it, right? Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

the cliche poop story

I know, nearly every first-time parents experience the cliche poop story. It goes something like this, "Husband and/or wife change baby's diaper. Baby poops while diaper is off, it's messy and hectic and husband and wife are frazzled. After it happens and mess is cleaned...everyone laughs". Well, it happened to us, and the bottom line is: poop is disgusting and hilarious, no matter how you wear it. It makes you so grossed out you gag and want to cry, and then afterwards you want to cry because you're laughing. I'm convinced that even above a romantic dinner or walk on the beach during sunset, nothing brings a husband and wife closer together than handling a baby who poops while she's diaperless. Nothing.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Best Medicine

If you ask Amelia, the funniest thing on earth is Cash playing outside, looking from the window at Gramma Tanya's house. Check out my little angel's first belly laugh...

A few things to learn here: 1) Sometimes things are so funny that you let out a little toot, and that's okay. 2) There is no doubt that Amelia has dimples on both cheeks. 3) A chubby baby is a very, very...happy baby.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

100 kisses

I cannot stop kissing those cheeks. They are so dang squishy and soft and I pretty much kiss her all day. Every single time I pick her up, before I nurse, after we nurse, before and after diaper changes, etc. I can't stand it!! So, I apologize if the next time you see her, the cheeks are a little sticky. They probably have not hers, but MY dried slobber all over them. I've reasoned my nonstop kissing by declaring that Amelia needs at least 100 kisses per day (and we easily reach that quota by 10:00 am). She better get used to it if she's going to sport those dimples.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Solid food: Trial #1

Grant's got the camera set up. Amelia has the bib on. She's in a good mood and a little hungry. The time has come: Amelia will take her first bite of food. As all the books recommend, watered down rice cereal is on the menu. We weren't expected a big bite, gulp and bright eyed "yum! More please!" But the response we got told us what we needed to know. Amelia needs a little more time :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

rollin' for real

I know, I know, a few months ago I posted that Amelia had rolled over. Well, she had. This was because at 2 months old, she was still "anorexic" and didn't really have a tummy to keep her from rolling. She rolled maybe a couple times, but once she (rather quickly) put on a belly, she couldn't roll anymore. Well, now, with her big ol' belly and all, she's rolling "for real". I'm talkin' pulling her arm out from under her and everything. And she's quick, too! But of course, she hasn't learned to go from tummy to back, so she gets ticked and starts yelling for help. I've heard this story a gazillion times from other new moms, but of course it's a bigger deal and much more interesting to tell when it's my daughter. :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

coffee, anyone?

As I've mentioned before, Grant usually takes Amelia for the first couple hours of the morning before he heads to work, when I get to catch up with a little extra shut-eye. This morning I happened to be awake early enough to catch a glimpse of what goes on while I'm snoozing. And now that Amelia can grab things, I can see why my morning coffee that Grant makes has been tasting so good. Amelia helps with the filter!

Thursday, August 6, 2009 am...I'm talkin' play time

In the deepest of sleep, I think I hear a grunt or two...then a little squeal. I glance at the clock: 3:58 am. More grunting with a little cry. I let it go a few minutes, hearing lots of grunting and rustling of blankets, starting to turn into a cry. I roll out of bed and slowly creep into her room to peek over the side of her crib. In the faintest of light, her worried chubby face quickly turns in my direction like she's been "caught". I stare at her for a second, well...let's just call it what it is...I glare at her for a second. And her eyes quickly change shape and she gives me one of her squinty-eyed toothless grins, and sticks her tongue out (similar to what you see in the photo). She's happy I'm there, and is ready for the day to begin! ....greeeeeeaaaaaat.

Amelia's sleeping schedule is somewhat "off". She can't seem to stay up past 6:30 pm...and she sleeps about 10 hours (don't worry, still getting up to eat a couple times). You do the math. She is fired up, sqealing, happy and ready to be out of the crib for some "infant excercise and stimulation" at 4 am. I don't actually mind it that much because I know it's only temporary and she'll get it figured out one of these days. Plus Grant saves me at around 5 am whenI can go back to bed while they cuddle under a blankie on the couch and watch a little Sesame Street. During the day I think about that early morning, and for some insane reason look forward to our next 4 am date :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

something new!!

Amelia can reach and grab for things now! I know I'll regret being so excited about this months down the road when she's grabbing things off the shelves in the grocery store, but right now it is SO COOL! I would've never guessed in a million years I'd be so pumped up about this! (And as my gramma Stella observed...check out those biceps!)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

This is gettin' good

Being home with Amelia is already bringing such special moments. She smiles so much! You can see it coming in her eyes, then she opens her mouth for a big toothless smile, a squeal, and then sometimes a little shoulder shrug at the end of the episode because she just can't stand it! Feeding sessions are beginning to last quite a bit longer, because she keeps looking up at me and smiling instead of sucking! "You're supposed to be eating, Amelia!" I say. She now turns her head to look at me, instead of before when her eyes would happen to land on me if her neck happened to fall that direction. Yesterday I was sitting next to her, reading, as she was laying on her mat with Star (after the big "fall out" (no pun intended) they've made ammends). She was looking at me while I was reading, waiting for me to look at her. All I had to do was move my eyes up from the book and before my eyes could meet hers she'd quickly give me a big, wide, open-mouthed smile. Nothin' beats that!

Monday, July 20, 2009

first family vacation: CHECK!

We have successfully completed our first family vacation. After about one month of planning, hundreds of "to do" lists, three lists of items to bring, and two trips to Snohomish to pack the camper, WE DID IT!! We went to a family reunion north of Spokane, and then to Chelan. My pointless concerns about whether or not she would sleep well or have a difficult time I said, pointless. I found I can tone down my neurosiss just a smidge, as some stress in packing appears to have been necessary, given all our needs were met during the trip. I see my days of "just throw it in the back of the car" or "we'll figure it out when we get there", are pretty much over, as a 3 month old needs at least a little accountability from her parents. I also see that I don't get my day-long lay outs or early morning runs on vacation anymore. Maybe in a few years...Long story short, lots of planning, lots of fun, glad to be home!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

mommy hormones

The week before I had Amelia, and the week following, I had never cried so much in my life. I cried out of desparation to have Amelia out, I cried for no reason at all many times, and after she was born I cried out of happiness A LOT, and then a few times for no reason at all again. My mom and sisters said "welcome to motherhood, you're going to be an emotional sobbing mess like this from now on". I didn't believe them, because I'm really not the crying type and figured it was just a phase, until...

Remember the show "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"? While nursing Amelia this morning I was watching an old episode, where Will shamefully purchases drugs, and confesses his mistake to the Banks family in an intense monologue at the end of the show. Now, I know 17-year old Will Smith was a decent actor, but the 90's sitcom left me a teary-eyed mess while nursing Amelia. What has happened to me? I'm losing it! I guess you guys were right!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Damn Star!

It's a typical afternoon, Amelia's laying on her mat flirting with The Star (Star is mentioned in a previous entry) while I'm working on the computer. The Star is attached above her head on a pole so she can look up at it. I went to restart the song that Star plays and then....whoops! The velcro broke and Star dropped right onto Amelia's forehead! Star is partially plastic and contains batteries, so it's not exactly a light stuffed animal, and this little knock wouldn't feel great right above the brow. I looked at Amelia to see how she was going to handle the blow. After a 5 second silence of her building up her rage, I heard a whole new kind of wail. I took her outside and cuddled and distracted, and of course she's fine. But this little event has sprouted a very complicated portion of her relationship with Star. It's always the people you love the most who can hurt you the most....damn Star!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Stinky neck syndrom

Gross. Here I am thinking I'm sooooo cool for enforcing a 7 pm bathtime routine before bed, military-style, and I learn yesterday that my exceptionally gorgeous baby...yes, I'm admitting it...reeks. Grant mentioned it when he held her in the morning "Heath, does she need a new diaper?", he asked. "Umm, maybe" I didn't notice anything. We got to my mom's an hour or so later and she swooped her away for lots of gramma cuddles and then looked at me and said, "uh, when's the last time she got a bath?" "LAST NIGHT!!" I quickly answered, proud of our consistency. Mom gently lifted up a few folds between her head and shoulders, where her neck should be, and showed me some pretty gross white build up. Yuck, we'd been neglecting this very important spot. The white build-up, as you might guess, is a combination of breastmilk, formula, drool, spit-up, sweat, and likely dirt that has been lodged in there for who-knows-how-long. So of course she stinks. After a more thorough bath, she's not the stinky kid anymore. But, I guess I'll be needing everyone's help and constructive criticism in the hygiene department. Nice one, mom.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009 I get it

I always thought it was almost annoying how little baby's want their mom's so badly when they're crying, and no one else will suffice. They scream their heads off for no reason until they get passed back to their mom...and then silence. I would think, Why isn't someone else able to calm them down? Does it ALWAYS have to be her? What is it that she can do that someone else can't? Doesn't she get annoyed of being the only one who can soothe her? Well, as with so many other things, I understand now. And more importantly, I LOVE that I'm number one. It's fantastic. I love how she buries her face in my chest and rests the top of her warm, soft head on my chin as she sinks in my arms. I can feel her light little fingers fall on my arm and across my neck. Having nine nieces and nephews and being around friends who have children, this is a new feeling that I've never had before, being able to be the one that the baby wants. I don't know, maybe in a few months I'll grow tired of always having to carry and rock and shhhh, but right now it's the best thing in the world to know that I am what she wants. I'm blogging this because I hope I remember how special it is when she's all grown up.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Last night after a warm bath we had some family time on our bed. Just for kicks, we set Amelia on her tummy to see if she could lift her head 45 degrees (as 2-month olds are supposed to do). Naturally, no problem. Then, we left her on her tummy to see if for some weird reason, she might roll over. We were talking to her, and she was getting frustrated that she couldn't see us. First we saw her hip trying to lift up (as you see in the photo), then we saw her tiny little twig-arm trying to straighten out and lift her torso. After lots of grunting from her and cheers from us, she made it on her side, and then on her back. Yay!! Grant picked her up and her little back was pulsing up and down she was breathing so hard after all the tough work. I was saying "let's do it again!!" But Grant reminded me that was ridiculous given she was wiped out. Good job, Amelia!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Amelia's first friend

Amelia is in love with this star colorful star you see her smiling at in the photo. This is her first real connection with an object. She almost immediately starts smiling when I set it in front of her, and has a big conversation with it (cooing and squealing) as it lights up and sings to her. It is really cute, and I know it secretly makes everyone who sees this happy interaction a little jealous of the star.

Also, I have to admit, I'm a sucker for dressing up Amelia. I didn't think I would get into it, because I was a little turned off/overwhelmed by the masses of hand me downs I have stored in my garage. But the dresses, bloomers, ridiculous pockets and ruffles are pretty irresistable once I get them on her. Now, I'll take any excuse to dress her up, and what's even more ridiculous is that I try to coordinate my outfit with hers. ..I know it's dorky, but I love it!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Whoa. That was intense.

Amelia and I shared an unforgettable experience yesterday -- she was constipated. She had gone only one day without po0ping, but during the event I could not believe how much I felt like a midwife helping her through the painful delivery. For the first time in motherhood, I had to stand by and watch my daughter do something incredibly difficult and painful, but it just had to be done. There were a few small things I could do to frantically assist, but for the most part it was up to her.
During the screaming and pushing, I caught myself looking back and forth around the room, as if someone should be there to help or take over. Nope, just me. I called my pediatrician, who of course didn't answer, but I made sure to leave a voicemail that included Amelia's screaming and grunting, so he would understand the depth of the situation. The next person who answered the phone is my older sis, Jess, who calmly talked me through what to do, amidst my insanity.
After the last push she was wiped out and we went back to the living room to nurse. She fell into a fast, hard sleep on my chest and I finally got my heart rate back down. A few calls to mom and some experienced sisters later, and I felt like I had a handle on the situation. Whoa. That was intense.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happy Camper

Amelia has definitely been making up for lost "ounces" with the amount of boob milk & formula that she's putting down. But she's doing so much better and putting on some weight for sure! I think her head has even gotten bigger. Of course eating so much comes with the cost of saturating entire diapers with a gallon of pee and having poop "blow outs" that you can hear 2 rooms away, and that go up to the back of her neck (poor girl.)

Also, I started up running again a few weeks ago. Pushing a stroller and running is no simple task, and I give major props to anyone who has done/does it. Feels good to get back on the saddle, though. I like getting Amelia out to get so much fresh air, too. She seems to enjoy it.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it...

Thanks to our new "pack on the pounds" diet plan, Amelia is a full, satisfied, rested, happy baby now. She sleeps longer and harder, and fusses much less, because she's not starved anymore. Do I feel like the worst mom in the world for letting my sweet angel go hungry for a month?? I could if I let myself. But, she is eating twice a night rather than 4 - 5 times a night and falls asleep by herself, without our countless tricks to lull her to sleep. I don't wanna brag, but I got 8 1/2 hours of sleep last night. So, I'm choosing to put the last "hungry month" behind me and not worry about why my breastmilk is somewhat inadequate. My wonderful mom has warned me that this "crappiest mom in the world" guilty feeling is one I will have a lot from now on, any time I screw up. So I'm going to try not to give into that mopy attitude and just try and turn it around when I can.

Oh, and Cash loves Amelia. He's always trying to give her a big wet kiss, but has learned this is not acceptable when she's sleeping. He's also learned not to veer in front of the stroller during our runs, or he'll lose a paw. He usually chills next to her bouncer, it's pretty cute. Babies can only see black, white and red during the first few months. So, it's kind of interesting that she can see Cash better than any of us.

Monday, June 1, 2009

I'll take skim breastmilk, please

It is amazing how different every day is with a newborn. There are great nights and great days, and horrible nights and very rough days. Today, however, I got some news from my pediatrician/midwife that changed everything. "Hello, my name is Heather Lane and I have low-calorie breastmilk".

Poor Amelia has only gained about 5 oz in the last month. She should have gained at least a pound by now. I've been breastfeeding like crazy and my boobs are ALWAYS leaking milk, so I assumed we were good in the eating/weight gain department. However, lots of feedings and slow weight gain are the result of my low-calorie breastmilk. So, we get to SUPPLEMENT! I'm so excited, I will still breastfeed for 10 minutes, then give her formula. She will still get the miraculous benefits of breastmilk (immunity, better brain development, etc.), but will be able to pack on the pounds with formula. In addition, she will sleep better, go longer in between feedings and be much less fussy. Bottom line....less horrible nights and very rough days because poor Amelia won't be the victim of mom's wussy breastmilk any longer.

Friday, May 29, 2009

The first five weeks...

I was against this whole blogging business, but Meg has begged me to start one. I can see the benefits...sharing the weekly breakthroughs, thoughts, trials and firsts with family and friends, and to keep a record of everything for myself. So, I'm just going to awkwardly begin my blogging life now. So far, so good.

Amelia was born on April 23rd, 2009. Naturally, that's when my new life started, too. You mom's know what I'm talking about, throwing the old self out the window in a matter of "pushes" and beginning the walk of motherhood. Besides the mushy body, weird hormonal "mama bear" reactions to people, chopped up nipples and losing myself in zombie stares due to lack of sleep, I'm lovin' it. I love watching Grant be the phenomenal dad that we all knew he would be. And watching all the grammas and grampas comfortably step into their roles. Besides the birth story that I'll somehow figure out how to add to this blog, there's the first five weeks for ya.

Amelia smiled for the first time on Sunday. I didn't realize it, but it can be difficult to work for someone 24/7 when they never smile at you. Smiling makes all the difference, doesn't it? Not only did she smile, but she stuck her tongue out as she was smiling. I'm sure this is common for lots of babies, but it happens to be a habit that Meg and I still have, and we get it from our mom, who also sticks her tongue out a little when she laughs. So now we have a lineage of girls who stick their tongues out when they smile/laugh. Makes me want to start sticking it out even more now :)