Monday, June 1, 2009

I'll take skim breastmilk, please

It is amazing how different every day is with a newborn. There are great nights and great days, and horrible nights and very rough days. Today, however, I got some news from my pediatrician/midwife that changed everything. "Hello, my name is Heather Lane and I have low-calorie breastmilk".

Poor Amelia has only gained about 5 oz in the last month. She should have gained at least a pound by now. I've been breastfeeding like crazy and my boobs are ALWAYS leaking milk, so I assumed we were good in the eating/weight gain department. However, lots of feedings and slow weight gain are the result of my low-calorie breastmilk. So, we get to SUPPLEMENT! I'm so excited, I will still breastfeed for 10 minutes, then give her formula. She will still get the miraculous benefits of breastmilk (immunity, better brain development, etc.), but will be able to pack on the pounds with formula. In addition, she will sleep better, go longer in between feedings and be much less fussy. Bottom line....less horrible nights and very rough days because poor Amelia won't be the victim of mom's wussy breastmilk any longer.


  1. Of course you have low-cal breastmilk! That's gotta be hot on the market right now. Maybe my kid will have low-carb breast milk! Can you imagine the possibilities?

    So glad to hear that you've jumped another hurdle in the miles of parenting! (that was supposed to be a running reference...)

  2. what a great mom you are! being a mom is a step by step process...and you're doing a great job. yeah for a sleeping and happy baby!!!
