Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happy Camper

Amelia has definitely been making up for lost "ounces" with the amount of boob milk & formula that she's putting down. But she's doing so much better and putting on some weight for sure! I think her head has even gotten bigger. Of course eating so much comes with the cost of saturating entire diapers with a gallon of pee and having poop "blow outs" that you can hear 2 rooms away, and that go up to the back of her neck (poor girl.)

Also, I started up running again a few weeks ago. Pushing a stroller and running is no simple task, and I give major props to anyone who has done/does it. Feels good to get back on the saddle, though. I like getting Amelia out to get so much fresh air, too. She seems to enjoy it.

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