Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Damn Star!

It's a typical afternoon, Amelia's laying on her mat flirting with The Star (Star is mentioned in a previous entry) while I'm working on the computer. The Star is attached above her head on a pole so she can look up at it. I went to restart the song that Star plays and then....whoops! The velcro broke and Star dropped right onto Amelia's forehead! Star is partially plastic and contains batteries, so it's not exactly a light stuffed animal, and this little knock wouldn't feel great right above the brow. I looked at Amelia to see how she was going to handle the blow. After a 5 second silence of her building up her rage, I heard a whole new kind of wail. I took her outside and cuddled and distracted, and of course she's fine. But this little event has sprouted a very complicated portion of her relationship with Star. It's always the people you love the most who can hurt you the most....damn Star!


  1. She looks so full of disappointment in this pic. Who know such a cute face could look so bummed!

  2. For Amelia....Life's lessons being
    learned....just because something looks good doesn't mean it won't cause grief!
    For Mom....check those strings, girl!
