Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Solid food: Trial #1

Grant's got the camera set up. Amelia has the bib on. She's in a good mood and a little hungry. The time has come: Amelia will take her first bite of food. As all the books recommend, watered down rice cereal is on the menu. We weren't expected a big bite, gulp and bright eyed "yum! More please!" But the response we got told us what we needed to know. Amelia needs a little more time :)


  1. Ohmyword H! That was so funny. I laughed a good hearty, teary one both at her anguish and your great attempt to make it actually sound "yummy!" and then your quick awesome momminess swooping in to tell her "it's ok, it's over.." xoxo

  2. too cute. I love how she looked at you like, "um, did you know that actually just went into my body?"

    I love her so much!
