I am loving watching Amelia's little personality and expressions become more and more apparent. She lavishes herself in anything that resembles a beautiful necklace; her current favorite is Cash's purple leash. There are times she won't go anywhere without wrapping it around herself like a scarf. It's so funny when she stops whatever she's doing, as if she's just remembered she needed something in her bedroom, and then turns to crawl quickly down the hall, breathing heavy "sssh--sshhh-sshhh's" and slapping her hands and knees down the hardwood, with a quick turn toward me to make sure I know she's doing something very important, then back to the slapping. When we tell her, "No Amelia", she looks at us and shakes her head no back at us, as if to say, "right, what I'm doing is wrong." (and then continues going for the power outlet or near the edge of the deck). Yesterday she had mac and cheese for the first time, and could not get the noodles in her mouth fast enough. She ended up eating much more than a one year old should be able to eat. Today she fell from a large mat the height of about 1 1/2 feet flat onto the side of her face in gymnastics today, her feet dangling above her head for a second. Everyone saw and was ready for a horrible cry, but Amelia just slumped her legs over and got up to quickly crawl to the next mat. These are just a few items that are expressing her little character. And I am lovin' this girl.
She is soooooo stinkin' cute. I gotta get myself up to WA to see her in person!