Thursday, January 27, 2011

Robbin the Bobbin

This morning Amelia and I were going through her story book, while she pointed to and identified all the things she recognized. Birds, sunshine, girl, dog, umbrella, etc. When I turned the page to this particular character she pointed to him and yelled, "mama!", proud of her discovery...

It's true, this is usually the position I'm in anytime I get to relax for a second. And, yes, the poem is about how this character eats everything, eventually eating the people in the town, the livestock and even the church; and is still hungry. So, seeings how she's around me 100% of the time, she's not too far off with the habits either. But, at least it looks like she thinks I have skinny legs.

I'm gonna go make a sandwich now.


  1. BAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!! Love how your looking on the positive side! This is HILARIOUS! I'm showing everyone at work-too funny!

  2. "through the eyes of children.." they can really tell it like it is!
    Keep on 'keeping on' Heath... not too much longer
    now. Got you at the top of my prayer list!
    Love 'ya.....

  3. Haaaaa, haaaaaaa, haaaaaa!! Only because I sooooo know how you feel, except plus another 20 pounds. SO IT COULD BE WORSE!!!! ;)

  4. Just remember the comment from Aunt Suz - Heather doesn't even look pregnant! This only last weekend.
