Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Amelia and the deer

A few weekends ago, Grant took Amelia scouting around my parents house, looking for signs of deer activity for hunting season. Grant took Amelia on a hike for a little over an hour, and they saw four deer! One of which, they were able to get very close to. Grant said that when Amelia saw it, her mouth dropped, she pointed at it and said "assshhhh!!" (Meaning "Cash", our dog's name, which is what she says when she's excited about something). Then she gave the deer one of her big arm waves to say hello.

Since then, if Amelia sees a deer or something that resembles a deer, she is in awe. The mouth drops, and she gives a big gasp. It looks something like this...

This photo was taken while dad was watching the hunting channel.

Also, this summer has been a blast, and I've been given lots of breaks thanks again to my sisters and mom. But now that school is starting, Meg is going back to school and Grant and I are looking at some new oppurtunities for our whereabouts in the future, it's hard to know what the next few months will look like. But I do know this has been a fantastic summer and I'm so thankful for all the special memories I've been blessed with, like this one...


  1. THat is SO cute! I love how "meg going back to school" means Heath and Grant go looking for new opportunities!

    Oh, and that same "Deer Face" will reappear once I take her shoe shopping. I just know it.

  2. I wonder if she will choose red sandals like her Gramma Laura at that age?
