No, I didn't mean to get that kid running in the picture. But it sure looks like I did.
A few weeks ago, this little family took on three days of a moving, packing and transitional fiasco, and we have moved up to Snohomish, WA. We are staying at a one-bedroom apartment above a garage, located on a lake 30 minutes outside of town. The apartment is roomy, and the lake is beautiful and quiet. The place is owned by some extremely generous family friends that are the picture of kindness. I did not expect that we would be so much happier here. There are so many elements that have made our move prove to be the right choice and a real gift. We feel like a complete family, with dad home from work quickly and lovely evenings that aren't rushed the moment he walks in. We've found a church that we really love, we actually want to stay there and visit with people when the service is over (which we've NEVER done). And I've joined BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) for my 6th year here, and even more exciting is that Amelia was placed in her first class this year! I also live close to a long-time friend, who is mother of two of Amelia's good friends. I've also made new friends that I feel like I've been best friends with for years, and I've fallen in love with a group of fantastic women who are as in love with God, their husbands and their children as I am. We live closer to Grant's family, which is an immense blessing, and convenient for date night :). I'm sad that I had to move further from my family, but I know that I can (AND WILL) hop on the ferry and spend a couple days there as often as I need. We are so happy, and so thankful for this new stage in our life.
Our new mailing address, for anyone who'd like it, is PO Box 1855, Snohomish, WA 98291. We don't have internet where we live, but I'll try to keep blogging and updating as much as possible.